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What Is Emotional Intelligence & Why Does It Matter?

Emotional intelligence is a set of skills that help you understand your own emotions and those of others. It also helps you manage your behaviors, control impulses, and positively relate to others.

Emotional intelligence (EI) is often described as a combination of self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, and social skills. In other words: it's the ability to recognize feelings in yourself and others; understand how these feelings affect our behavior; choose appropriate responses; manage stress effectively; handle conflict without getting overwhelmed by anger or hostility; build positive relationships with colleagues at work--or anywhere else for that matter!

The Benefits of Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the ability to recognize and understand your own emotions and those of others. It also helps you manage your emotions and use them to enhance your relationships with others.

In other words, EI can help us work better together no matter where we're working!

How to Develop Your Emotional Intelligence

Understanding what it means is the first step in developing your emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize and manage your own emotions and those of others. It's also about knowing how these emotions affect you and others around you, which can help you make better decisions.

Emotional intelligence includes five main skills: self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills. Each of these areas plays an important role in helping us understand ourselves better so that we can interact with others more effectively.

Practicing Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

The first step to building an emotionally intelligent workplace culture is recognizing and managing your own emotions. You can't expect your employees to be able to do their best work if you're not at the top of your game, so it's important that you take time each day for self-care. This might mean taking a walk around the block, running in the morning before work, or maybe even sitting quietly with no distractions for five minutes before jumping into any meetings or calls.

The next step is creating an environment where people feel safe talking about their feelings and supporting them when they do so by listening without judgment or criticism. In order to do this successfully, managers need training on how empathy works, so they know what questions are appropriate (and which ones aren't). They also need tools like checklists that help them identify what someone needs during difficult conversations: Is this person feeling threatened? Do they want me as an ally? Am I being too aggressive/too passive? And finally: What can I do right now?

The Role of Technology in Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is a powerful tool for improving your life and the lives of those around you. It's also important to be aware of technology's role in emotional intelligence, especially in virtual teams.

Technology can help us manage our emotions by providing an outlet for letting out frustrations or venting when necessary. There are many types of apps for this purpose--some allow users to send messages anonymously, while others let users post directly onto social media sites like Facebook or Twitter. These outlets allow people who might otherwise feel uncomfortable speaking up about their feelings to find an outlet where they can express themselves without fear of judgment or retaliation from coworkers or supervisors.

Some companies have taken steps towards developing better ways for employees at different locations (or even countries) to interact with each other through virtual meetings and video conferencing tools such as Skype. This allows them not only to communicate more effectively but also to build stronger relationships over time because they're able to see each other face-to-face, even if they aren't sitting next door!

Building an Emotionally Intelligent Team

EI is the ability to recognize, understand and manage your own emotions as well as the emotions of others. It's also about understanding how your behavior affects others.

EI can help you build a better team by improving communication and collaboration skills. This means that you'll be able to work together better no matter where you're working--in person or online!

Tips for Creating Emotionally Intelligent Meetings

When you're creating an emotionally intelligent meeting, it's important to remember that the process is just as important as the outcome. How you conduct yourself and interact with others will affect your ability to develop solutions that work for everyone involved. Here are some tips for making sure your meetings are effective:

Create a clear agenda. Before you begin any meeting, make sure everyone knows what they need to accomplish during the session. This includes outlining what topics will be covered and how much time each one should take up (if applicable). If there's no agenda available beforehand, someone needs to take charge of creating one--and sticking with it!

Encourage an open dialogue between attendees by asking questions like "What do we need more information about?" or "How can we improve?" These questions encourage people who might otherwise feel uncomfortable speaking up during meetings because they don't know what else there is left unsaid after all has been said; plus, they give everyone else an opportunity to share their ideas too!

Developing an Emotional Intelligence Plan

Once you've identified the goals of your Emotional Intelligence Plan, it's time to assess your current emotional intelligence level. This can be done by taking an online quiz or using a self-assessment tool like the one provided by Everything DiSC® (

Once you know where you stand on each of the five domains of emotional intelligence (self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management), it's time to create an action plan based on these results. Here are some tips:

If your score is low in any area or there are gaps between scores across domains (for example, high self-awareness but low relationship management), focus on improving those areas before moving forward with other parts of the plan.

Make sure each goal is specific enough so that when someone asks what they need to do next week or next month at work--or even this afternoon--they can answer with confidence because they already know exactly what needs doing!

Measuring Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

As you begin to assess your team's emotional intelligence, it's important to remember that there are many different ways to measure EI. Some organizations use surveys, while others rely on performance reviews or 360-degree feedback. The most effective approach is likely one that combines all three methods--and can be adapted as needed based on what you're trying to learn about each individual member of your team.

In addition, it's important not only for managers but also employees themselves (and perhaps even HR professionals) who may be tasked with providing input into these evaluations. Suppose someone feels like they're being unfairly judged or criticized by their manager or supervisor during the process of measuring EI at work. In that case, chances are good that person won't want anything further to do with such efforts moving forward!


Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and manage your own emotions and those of others. It's a crucial skill for anyone wanting to be successful in the workplace or at home, but it can be difficult to develop independently. That's why it's important that you work with others who have a strong sense of emotional intelligence--and if they don't, find ways to develop your own.

The best way to learn about yourself and others is through communication: talking face-to-face instead of texting or emailing allows us all an opportunity to see how people react when they're not confined by technology (or any other form). We become better able to understand each other's needs and desires when we see them in person rather than through text messages or emails; this makes us more likely to give what another person needs while also getting what we want out of our interactions.




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DiSC-Thailand offers the Everything DiSC and The Five Behaviors programs to help individuals and teams improve performance. With Everything DiSC, you can gain insights into individual behavioral styles, and with The Five Behaviors, you can improve trust, communication, and accountability.


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