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About Us

At M.I.S.S. CONSULT, we're passionate about empowering businesses in Thailand to reach their full potential. Our People Development Service offers DISC and Psychometric Test services that provide organizational training using internationally recognized psychological testing and staff selection techniques. 


Our approach is rooted in psychology, allowing us to understand your business's unique needs and tailor our services to meet them. We believe that a sustainable organization acknowledges its employees' value and their role in achieving the company's mission, vision, and obligations to customers and society. We help employees understand their worth and commit to personal growth, building a solid foundation for sustainable success. 


While some businesses look for quick fixes to problems, we know that true success comes from instilling core values in employees. As an executive, HR professional, or business owner, prioritizing long-term success over short-term fixes is key. By partnering with us, you can create a better future for both your business and your employees. Let's work together to unlock your business's full potential.

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